[Important] Back in production and want to renew with high quality

Hi, it's been a while since I've been writing. In the meantime, I've been in a slump and having a hard time making games. Also, I've been reading your comments one by one, and I've noticed that I've received negative reviews from translations and stories in many ways, and I've decided to stop distributing the games for a while in order to give you a better experience while also renewing the games overall. I've been thinking a lot about this decision, and I'll be back with a remake of it with the best quality possible. Thank you.


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Hello! I was very interested in this game before :DD I just wanna say that don't give up ! I'm looking forward the update as I haven't played the complete one yet.

Hope you’re having a wonderful day! Don’t give up, no matter what anyone says!! :D LOVE THE GAMEEE

well thats sweet of you cause I tho you gonna stop because the hater but thats COOL!!!! I really love your game!! from the characters and the idea thats just....WOW

and i must be the one who thank you so..